It Takes a Lot to Trust in God. Are You Ready?

By Shiju Joseph, CSC –

Readings: 2Sam 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Mk 4:26-34

It is not uncommon in our ministries to wonder how anything that we do is making any difference in the world. Often, whatever we are able to do or say is so small and insignificant compared to the needs out there. The problems and issues surrounding us can be so overwhelming that we do not see what difference, if at all, our small efforts can make.

The parable of the growing seed reminds us that no matter the size of the individual seed, it is God who makes them grow to become a refuge for many in the future. A lot of the results of our good deeds are not visible to us in our lifetime. It is not to be a cause of discouragement or frustration.

The seeds that are sown today have tendency to grow much bigger than we could have imagined. It is our task to sow the seed regardless of how small and insignificant it may seem today and to trust in God to make his own kingdom.

The parable reminds us to trust in God’s ways of working through our seemingly small insignificant efforts. Our humble beginnings will bear fruit over time if we continue to labor in God’s garden. It takes a lot of trust in God to continue to do the good we are called to do – even when the situation is too big to be under our control, and even when we cannot see how God can use our humble efforts to grow his Kingdom.