Authority Comes from Above

By Peter Paul, CSC –

Readings: 2 Sam 12 : 1 – 7a, 10 – 17; Mk 4 : 35 – 41

Authority comes only from God the Father, who created everything in this universe. It is God who gives authority to people/animals/any form of force over others. Authority is exercised in order to maintain discipline and order in this world and beyond. Those who ‘were’ before others exercise authority over them. Jesus exists before the wind, waves and any other forces and therefore they listen to him.

In the first reading, prophet Nathan exercises authority over King David. This authority was given to him by God to speak the truth, to make him realize his mistake and to change his life. Invisible things exist before the visible ones, living or nonliving, and have authority over them. When living/visible things try to dominate invisible things, calamity occurs.

The readings invite me to be always aware of God’s authority over us. My duty is to bow down before him and to follow/ support him. I am also invited not to follow any other authority because such authority works according to what they think is right. They may be good and right to our eyes but not true. We all are called to do true things, not just the right things. Jesus is the life, the truth and the way.