Discerning the Right Vocation In My Life

Fr. Adrian Mascarenhas – Concerning this question, I believe that the most important verse to keep in mind is Luke ...

Is Confession a Must?

By Adrian Mascarenhas - Where in the Bible does it say that one has to Confess one's sins? Many of ...

Gaudete et Exultate: What are Gnosticism and Pelagianism?

Fr. Adrian Mascarenhas – Question: In his recent apostolic exhortation on holiness, Gaudete et Exultate, Pope Francis speaks of two ...

Why Do We Say The Act of Contrition?

By Fr. Adrian Mascarenhas – When I say the Act of Contrition, are my sins taken away immediately? Or is ...

Church and Homosexuality: Understanding the Vatican’s Recent Communication

By Austine J. Crasta, STL - Q: A recent statement (dtd. February 22, 2021 but made public March 15, 2021) ...

Can There be Multiple Intentions for a Single Eucharistic Celebration?

By Austine J. Crasta, STL - Some online masses announce a number of intentions at the start of every mass ...

Did Constantine Change The History of The Church?

 Fr. Adrian Mascarenhas – Q: Constantine’s reign as Roman emperor (A.D. 306-337) dramatically changed the direction of Christianity, and what we have ...

How Relevant is Watching Mass on TV?

By Fr. Adrian Mascarenhas - If you watch mass on TV or the Internet, does that count as going to ...

Does Marriage End with Death of a Spouse?

By Susanna D - I just started a new feature on my blog where readers can send in their questions ...

Christianity is Proof of the Resurrection!

Fr. Adrian Mascarenhas – Q: Skeptics claim that the Resurrection of Christ was just a hoax, hallucination or superstition. How should ...

How Did The Church Evolve After The Apostles?

By Fr. Adrian Mascarenhas – According to Acts 1:26, Matthias was selected to replace Judas, bringing the number of apostles ...

Do Catholics Worship Idols?

By Fr. Adrian Mascarenhas -  Why do we have statues of Jesus in our church, when we do not allow ...

What Do You Understand By The Theory of Evolution in Genesis?

There comes a time in our lives when we are stumped for answers from Catholic faith perspective. We have requested ...