In Giving, We Become More Like Him

By Raison D’Souza, CSC –

Readings: 2 Sam 7:18-19, 24-29; Mk 4:21-25

I remembered St. Francis of Assisi when I read in the Gospel Jesus saying, “The measure you give will be the measure you get…” St. Francis of Assisi prayed- “It is in giving that we receive.” Jesus’ message to me through this passage is to be generous. That is why Jesus began his words by talking about a lamp. The purpose of lighting a lamp is to vanish the darkness. If the same lamp is kept under the bushel basket or under the bed, the purpose of the lamp is defeated, and lamp loses its worth.

The beauty in being generous is the inner joy we experience. Jesus welcomes me to experience that inner joy. The more generous I am, the richer I get to be. It is an invitation to come out of myself and look at myself. I offer to God the light of my mind and the love of my heart.

I acknowledge all the complexities that I have being human- the light that shines through me and the darkness of my life- my shortcomings. Let the lamp that is in me not remain under a bushel basket but shine in my daily interactions and responsibilities. Jesus, make me generous in giving what I have and become more like you day by day.