We Must Change From Our Sinful Ways

By Ajit Kumar Takiri csc –

Readings: Is 60: 1-6; Eph 3: 2-3,5-6; Mt 2: 1-12

Today we celebrate the solemnity of Epiphany. The word ‘Epiphany’ comes from the Greek word “Epiphenia” which means “revelation or manifestation”.

As we celebrate this feast today, firstly, we are being invited to carefully see the signs that God shows us to follow him every day of our lives, like the three wise men. These wise men were the seekers of truth and wisdom. Like them, we too need to be the seekers of truth, wisdom, and therefore, seekers of Christ, the Messiah in our life. Secondly, we are invited to follow him faithfully like the wise men followed the star by leaving their comfortable zone, their Kingdom, and their family. Sometimes, we are caught up in our position, power, wealth, and the chores of life because of which we are unable to follow Christ in our lives faithfully.

Thirdly, we are invited to give gifts to Jesus like the three wise men who honored him by giving three different precious gifts. We may not have all the precious things, but let us ask ourselves if we are ready to give ourselves completely for his work and mission. Jesus does not want any gift from us, but he wants us as individuals, because we are his most precious gifts.

Lastly, we are invited to return to him. The three wise men returned to their places through a different road. We need to change our way of life to walk the way Jesus wants us to walk. The journey of encountering Christ is complete only when we change from our sinful living into a new path that Christ is showing us.