Make a Humble Path for Others to Reach Jesus

By Vimal Kumar A csc –

Readings: 1 Jn 2:22-28; Jn 1:19-28

In the Gospel reading, the humble response from John the Baptist shows an attitude of humility. John was meek. He did not try to make himself greater than what he was in announcing Jesus. He just said that he was the voice of the Lord. It is the greatest invitation for us to have such humility. John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah to redeem the people. Like the John the Baptist, have I been the way for someone in my life?

The purpose of John the Baptist is to instil confidence and hope in the people to proclaim that the Messiah is at hand, repent and turn away from our sins. Everybody’s life has a purpose apart from our wishes and dreams. There is something that we must do for others. Our life needs to resemble the John the Baptist’s teaching. We are called to be the hope and guide for someone who lost their security in life. Jesus is the Way, Truth and Life, our life is a tiny path to reach out to Jesus. In this pandemic situation, let us make our life a humble path for others to reach Jesus.