Seek God’s Strength

By Thamajoy Reang csc –

Readings: Heb 11: 32 – 40; Mk 5: 1 – 20

“I believe you if you keep your faith, you keep your trust, you keep the right attitude, if you’re grateful you’ll see God open up new doors.” – Joel Osteen

Many times, I too experience demons possessing my life, like the man in today’s Gospel. I experience it when I am not able to forgive my own friends in the community from my heart, when I am fully covered with guilt-feelings, when I am overwhelmed by selfish motives and hatred towards my fellow beings. And when all these are in me, I find myself helpless, hopeless, lonely, and far from all my friends.

I feel so weak, and I cannot even stand on my feet for I have demons in me. I am left alone by the people in the cave of rejection and there is no one to raise me up from it. In this time of rejection and desperation in my life, Jesus comes into my heart today and speaks to me saying that I need to go to him and offer all my life to him in faith. He calls me to embrace him so that all the guilt-feelingsthat I have in me may go away and I be blessed.

He calls me to cling on to his holy hands so that the evils in me may be cast away and I be healed.

Lord, I run to you, show me the way. I need your light to reach you for I am alone in the dark place. I come to you offering all my weaknesses at your holy feet for I want to love you. Grant me the strength I need.