Jesus’ Presentation: A Living Offering

By Vimal Kumar A csc –

Readings: Mal 3:1-4; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40

Today our mother church commemorates the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. This feast reveals that God manifested his love through Jesus whom he gifted us for our salvation.

Simeon and Anna recognized Jesus as a Gift to the humanity and they praised the mighty works of the Lord. They knew the worth of the Gift that they had received. In our life too, the gift that we receive is not about the amount paid by the giver, but it is left to receiver to decide how much it is worth.

Jesus Christ is the greatest gift God has given to us. It is up to us to recognize and value the presence of Jesus in our life. Jesus comes to us in many ways and presents himself at various situations, like through the word of God, Eucharist and in every human being whom we encounter day after day. Do we recognize the worth of the gift (Jesus) which we have received in our life?

Jesus’ presentation in the temple is a living offering. Therefore, this feast also invites us to offer ourselves as an offering to God in service of others. Can we ponder for a while and reflect what we can give for others in this pandemic? For me, the greatest gifts which we can give for others in this pandemic are our love, kindness, concern, mercy, joy, consolation, and support. These will make our life a living offering to the Almighty.