See the Goodness in Others

By Manoj Kulanthai Rathinam G csc –

Readings: 2 Kgs 17: 5-8, 13-15, 18; Mt 7: 1-5

‘Do not judge, and you will not be judged,’ says Jesus. In today’s world, we meet a lot of people and we try to judge them maybe by clothes that they wear or the color they are, or their action. Our mind is preoccupied with the judgments we make about people. Have we ever thought of asking ourselves before saying anything about others? Each one of us thinks that he/she is perfect human being.

And today, we are ready to judge the government, the in-charges of different work fields, and even our own family. Our lives are filled with judgments. Food is not prepared well. The cloth is not good. Maybe this is the right time Jesus invites us to look into our own actions. Today, the world is in a crisis due to the Corona virus, where many lives are being taken away. Many put themselves in hard situations to find a cure. But what do we do? We judge people who brought it or blame the government about the action they take against the virus. We need to understand the situation and reach out to people rather than judging.

Let us not forget that there is someone above who will judge us on the last day. The measure you give is the measure you get back. If I live my life only judging others, I do not think I am living a righteous life in front of God and others. Let us reflect on our own selves to take away all the negativity from us and see the goodness in others.