Only Christ Can Counsel the Human Heart

Jessel Pradeep Cutinha csc –

Readings: 1 Cor 4:1-5; Lk 5:33-39

Today’s Gospel asks us not to focus on external aspects of religion but on aspects that make us go closer to Christ. We are called to accept the teachings of Jesus and follow his path. To do this we also have to give up our old and familiar practices. Sometimes clinging on to the old habits, practices and way of life can keep us in the slaveries of various kinds. We ruin our lives in the slavery of addiction, pride, and desire for worldly things.

The way of Jesus is the way of freedom and by accepting it we experience redemption The new wineskin represents the new grace-filled teachings of Jesus. These new teachings of Jesus are full of grace, truth and love according to the life in the Spirit.

Jesus, like a bridegroom at a wedding feast brings joy and celebration. This being so, it is time for us to be with Jesus and rejoice by following his instructions. We are also invited to accept changes that Jesus brings. The new life that Jesus offers us invites us to open our hearts and minds to the realities of life without fear. As stewards in our experience of encountering the realities of life we are called to judge nothing because we don’t know the real motives within the people. Only Christ can reveal the motives and counsels of the human heart.