Allow Jesus to Control Over Our Failures

Vimal Kumar csc –

Readings: 1 Cor 3:18-23; Lk 5:1-11

Today, the Gospel scenes remind me of the popular saying, “Expectation is the root of all heartache.” The disciples were very enthusiastic and experts in casting their net for fishing.

However, it seems that failures translated their expectations into frustrations. Nevertheless, there comes a right person, Jesus who diverts gloominess from the apostles and instills in them confidence.

It all happened because Peter listened to his master’s words, lowered his net, and caught in abundance. When our hopes and expectations are out of line with the actual reality, we are disappointed and frustrated. No matter how knowledgeable and professional we are, we are not always geniuses and competent to solve every failure in our life. We need someone who can comfort and instill the confidence to undo our failures.

Jesus is only the selfless volunteer who visits us in all the possible ways. He visits us in many ways through various people to revitalize our enthusiasm, hope and confidence. If we listen to him and lower our nets of ego, arrogance, and pride we will be victorious. Jesus assures us like his overwhelmed apostle, “Do not Be afraid” in return let us assure the Lord that we will never depart from him and allow him to take complete control over our failures, frustrations, and disappointments.