Make Your Penitential Rite Meaningful

By Raison D’Souza –

Readings: Jer 18:1-6; Mt 13: 47-53

Misunderstanding begins either with differences of opinions or prejudices. God has given enormous freedom to all of us to choose and decide what is good for us.

In every society, there is a moral standard maintained. When we go against the freedom given by God or the moral standards, we are in danger. The gospel of the day indicates the hour of Judgment. Just like the fishermen put the good fish into baskets and throw out the bad, so it will be at the end of the age.

It says that the angels will separate the evil from righteous and throw them into the furnace of fire! I was nervous when I heard these strong words of Jesus. There are times I have insensitively laughed at others’ incapability and failures. My attitudes have been bad and felt jealous or internally satisfied at others’ downfall. I have hurt others by my words too.

Jesus says in Mt 15: 18, -“What comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this is what defiles.” It is important to watch my thoughts first. Things begin with thoughts, turning into words and deeds. It is an invitation to mould my way of life. It is also important to be aware of the penitential rite that I recite during the Mass and make it meaningful – ‘…in my thoughts, in my words and in all that I have done…’ The examination of conscience, the monthly recollections, and confessions are ways to come back to be counted among the good fish that go into baskets.