Lord, Weak as I am, Lead Me

By Aldo Brandon Vibi, CSC –

Readings: Ex 14:5-18; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18

Today the liturgy of the word throws a question to me and all of us: “Why do you fail to recognize the presence of God’s signs in your life?”

Every person in his or her weakness, one or the other time feels the absence of God in their lives. And it happens because of various reasons. I assume that you and I long to have a visible sign of God in our life in spite of our various encounters with Triune God.

In today’s readings we hear about two great personalities, Moses and Mary Magdalene. Having witnessed God’s providence in different occasions of their life, they failed to recognize God’s signs amidst trials. Moses the great leader who freed the Israelites from Egyptian slavery stumbled at the shore of the Red sea and cried aloud to God

We find the same scenario in Magdalene’s life too. Jesus cast out seven evil spirits from her and she witnessed many miraculous healings when following him. Yet she wept on the resurrection morning believing that someone had stolen the body of Jesus. They stand before me as weak human beings craving to see visible presence of God every day of their lives.

It is the same in my life too. But the fact is that God is never annoyed because of my doubtful attitude; he appears to me in different forms and signs. Lord, weak as I am, led by the Spirit, enable me to read your signs of love around me particularly in difficult moments of my life.