Live According to the Word

Pravin S, CSC –

Readings: Ex 15: 8-9, 10, 12, 17; Mt 12: 46-50

The liturgy invites us to keep the word of God in our heart and live according to it for happy life united with God. God loves everyone without any difference but we, the human beings divide and avoid the other people by colour, talents, wealth etc. Most of the time we fail to think that we are created by God and we all belong to one family of God. God invites us to love and care for others to build up better relationships.

In the first reading God saves the Israelites from Egyptian attack. This incident shows that God loves each one of us and accepts us in his family. The word of God is the ultimate source to live a happy and peaceful community life.

Sometimes, when we face a lot of difficulties and problems, we forget God and don’t listen to the word of God. But God wants us to be with him and live our life according to his will. We have perfect example in the reading where God saves people who believed and trusted him through Moses, who had strong hope in God and committed himself to the plan of God.

And we too are called to do the same: trust and believe in the word of God. In the gospel reading Jesus says, very clearly that whoever listens and follows the word of God will become his brothers and sisters. So, he gives importance to the word of God which is the primary source to live a faithful life. Jesus wants us to live our life according to the word of God.