Like Martha, Place Your Trust in Jesus

By John Desing csc –

Readings: 1 Jn 4:7-16; Jn 11:19-27

We all experience death in our lives, both physical and spiritual death. Both are painful and grave situations. Physical death is certain, yet as believers of Christ we have hope in the resurrection, for Jesus himself says that ‘I am the resurrection and the fife.’

‘Resurrection’ is not just one article of faith, but it is a gift from God manifested in his beloved son, Jesus Christ. God’s utmost love for his people is revealed through Christ in whose abiding love we have life even if we experience death.

Jesus wants us to experience and feel his love, so that we may not lose hope in times of hopelessness and desperation. Many of us, particularly the poor and the destitute, have experienced ‘death situation’ due to Covid-19 pandemic where the loss is not so much about property, health and relatives but of losing hope and courage.

Martha of Bethany teaches us that in desperate situations when we look and invite Jesus, we will certainly experience his consolation and hope once again. We need to ask ourselves; do we believe that Jesus can do something wonderful in our lives when we approach him with sincere trust?

We read in Rev 3:20 “Behold! I stand at the door and knock, if you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and dine with you.” Jesus always wants to come into our lives for he knows that we need him the most. Do we welcome him or take a step to meet him as Martha did? Therefore, let us realize like Martha that if Jesus is in our hearts, we would never be disappointed. Let us continue to place our trust in Jesus who alone can raise us up when we fall.