Hidden Treasure

Find the Treasure of the Kingdom of God

By Joseph Inbaraj csc –

Readings: Ex 34: 29-35; Mt 13: 44-46

Life is an amazing opportunity filled with freedom and choices. It would be a shame to waste this incredible opportunity by engaging in useless and meaningless activities. In the last few years, many things have changed. We have new communication systems like smartphone, e-mail, WhatsApp, and so on. E-mail and WhatsApp have come in to quicken the exchange of messages.

It is far easier to type a message on the computer or phone than to write a letter. The message is instantly received and answered. Dialogue is possible in no time across the oceans. So, we would like to adapt our lifestyle in such a way that we can have the best communication.

In the same way, today’s gospel tells us that the kingdom of heaven is the greatest treasure that one can find on earth. It would be a pity to waste this life by not updating ourselves to find this treasure. To acquire this treasure, we need to make use of the chances that are available to us. The opportunities could be, to be more prayerful, loving, kind, helpful, and compassionate. This life provides extraordinary innumerable opportunities to be wise and virtuous.

Let us motivate ourselves that we may not fall into petty worldly temptations. We shall earnestly pray that God may shower his blessings on us to find the treasure of the kingdom of God and the graces to acquire it.