Let’s Count Our Blessings

By Ginto K. Paulose, CSC –

Readings: 2 sam 7: 1-5, 8-12, 14, 16; Lk 1: 67 -79

Benedictus is the song of thanksgiving by Zechariah. We are also called to give thanks to the Lord for the blessings he has showered upon us. As a human person my wants are numerous, but the Lord knows what I require. He gives me what I need. And he is so faithful he gives me the necessary blessings each day.

Now I understood that I should find time to sit back and look, introspect my own life and find out blessings God had given, and thank the Lord. Also, it is very important that we remember our past and cherish the blessings God has given, so our history determines our present and future. So, we should be grateful for our past and count the blessings God showed in our lives.

Zechariah thought he was going through difficulties in his life; but as soon as he was able to speak, he thanked the Lord. So, let us look at our past with gratitude, present with perseverance and future with hope.

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