Let Scriptures be a Source of God’s Voice to Us

By David Peter csc –

Readings: Acts 3: 1-10; Lk 24: 13- 35

In the first reading we see Peter is healing a crippled beggar. We find how powerful the name of Jesus is. Today Peter, by healing the crippled beggar, gives us the assurance that anything we seek in the name of Jesus in true faith we will receive.

The gospel of the day is the walk to Emmaus, which invites us to have four important elements in our life to be a joyful Christian. They are: walking with the Lord, breaking the bread, sharing, and the Scripture. When we invite Jesus, he accepts our invitation without any hesitation. The choice is ours, Jesus is always around us but to receive him into our lives is a personal choice. The breaking of the bread and sharing is moving from death to life. It means to share the food with the hungry and thus to witness Christ.

The word of God is very powerful, the deeper it touches us the more it transforms us. The example we see in today’s gospel: when the two men heard the Scriptures their hearts were burning. Likewise, we see many saints being transformed when they heard the Scriptures. The fullness of Christian is in sharing the joy he/she experienced in Christ with others. In the first reading Peter shares Jesus with the crippled man and in the gospel the two men traveled back to Jerusalem to share about Jesus and what they experienced on the walk to Emmaus. Today it is an invitation for us to share Jesus in our daily life through words and deeds, basing Scriptures as a source of God’s voice to us.