Be Humble and Grateful to God

By Philip Raj csc –

Readings: Acts 3:11-26; Lk 24:35-48

The readings of today speak to me about three aspects which would help me to go closer to God: staunch faith in Christ, to bear witness to Christ and to glorify the name of Christ. If I remain faithful to these aspects, I can live a life which pleases Jesus.

Staunch faith in Christ: Christ has risen from the dead to give new life. As the first disciples I too have failed many times to recognize the risen Christ, due to my wavering faith and lack of conviction. It is time for me to have a strong faith in Christ that he has risen and is alive.

To bear witness to Christ: In order to bear witness to Christ in this world, I must have a personal encounter with Jesus which gives me enough strength and courage to stand firmly in what I believe. The daily Eucharist is the place where I can receive Christ and also become like Christ by imbibing the values of Christ in my life. Through my little acts of help, encouragement, appreciation, honesty and truthfulness I can bear witness to Christ.

To glorify the name of Christ: In the first reading, Peter stood in the crowd and proclaimed the name of Risen Christ. He takes no credit for healing the lame, rather told the crowd that in the name of Christ he could do such a miracle. Most of the time I brag about myself, for all my
success, achievements and accomplishments, forgetting the blessings of God and the support of my community members. I need to be humble and be grateful to God and the people who constantly support me for my growth.