Grow in the Virtues of Humility

By Pritam Dangwar csc –

Readings: Rom 7:18-25; Lk 12:54-59

Through the first reading, St. Paul invites me to acknowledge my weaknesses and have the humility to accept them. Whenever I want to do well in life, I may get negative responses from others which leaves me discouraged. However, when I believe that I am under the protection of Lord Jesus, I am able to do better than what I thought I could do.

n the gospel reading, Jesus speaks about the natural wisdom of people who predict weather by looking at the clouds in the sky or the blowing winds and act accordingly. If I am able to do so, then the question is, what stops me from being aware of my situation and be sensitive to those in need? I think it is a challenge for me to overcome the passion and desires of my body so as to listen to the Spirit of God.

Therefore, the liturgy of the word today challenges me to extend my helping hand and be sensitive to those in need and amend my ways to reconcile with those I have caused hurt. I am nobody to pass judgment on others and by breaking the shackles of accusation, hatred, and mistreatment, I need to cultivate and grow in the virtues of humility and accept others as they are.