Bring Consolation to the Distressed

Shanborlang Mawrie csc –

Readings: Acts 2:14,22-33; 1 Pet 1:17-21; Lk 24:13-35

The Lord is always with his people. In the Old Testament we see how He was walking with the Israelites even though many times they had forgotten him. He was faithful to them because he wanted them to walk in his path.

Similarly, in today’s gospel we see how Jesus himself drew near and went with the two disciples who were on the way to Emmaus though they failed to recognize him. Their sadness and hopelessness prevented them from recognizing him. They failed to understand whatever had been told to them about him when he was with them. Only when Jesus broke the bread were their eyes opened and they recognized Him.

In our life, Jesus is always walking with us. This Emmaus encounter teaches us that Jesus is always present with us even in our sadness and hopelessness. It teaches us also to express to him all our sorrows and brokenness. We need the grace of God to recognize Jesus walking by our side and feeling his burning presence in our hearts. And having experienced the presence of God in our life, we too are called to be the hands and feet of Jesus to bring consolation to the distressed and helpless people.