Being Obedient to His Will

By A Joseph Inbaraj, CSC –

Readings: 2 Sam 6: 12b-15, 17-19; Mk 3: 31-35

Readings of the day invite me to ask myself: Am I worthy to be a brother of Jesus?

In gospel, Jesus said, “whoever does the will of God, is my brother and sister and mother.” Through this he invites me to become part of his family. And if I do the will of God, I will be part of his family too. Jesus uses these words “whoever does the will of God” to describe his family members, who were obedient to his Father’s will. These words bring powerful meaning to my life.

It is not enough to be a part of Christian practices like receiving Holy Communion, spending hours in prayer but more then that I need to love to do what God desires like helping the needy, visiting the sick and praying for them. A tree is known by its fruits. My spiritual life has to be seen in my action. There are situations which questions me, “Am I doing God’s will?” In words I respond positively like Samuel and Mother Mary but in the reality ………….?

For example, last month we had crib work in our community, they were in need of some hands to help. I said to myself that I could help them out. But when they began the work, though I was free I didn’t help them out. That choice of mine really challenged me. This is where I am called to check, ‘how am I proving myself to be part of the family of Jesus Christ?’