Bear Witness to the Risen Lord

By Aldo Vibi Brandon csc –

Readings: Act 5:17-26; Jn 3:16-21

Today the first reading narrates the persecution of the apostles. They proclaimed about the risen Lord but the high priest imprisoned them. Many Christians are imprisoned within themselves today. A mother who wanted to participate in the prayer and worship was not allowed. She faced a lot of family pressure.

Our Christian faith practices are most of the time confined to our church campus. Like that mother, many men and women face challenges to be witnesses of faith. Apostles stand as examples to all men and women who are striving to grow in faith. They were arrested like their master but their belief in the resurrection fostered them to preach the good news to the world. As we are in the second Sunday of Easter, this scripture passage encourages us to bear witness to the risen Lord.

When the apostles were in prison, the angel of the Lord opened the prison door and released them. It is the fulfillment of Jesus’ promise. In John 14:16 Jesus said, “I will ask the father, and he will give you an advocate to be with you forever.” This promise is passed on to all those who believe in the works of the Spirit. This scripture passage strengthens the radical followers of Christ and gives hope that they would also be assisted by the Holy Spirit in their sufferings. Let us bear witness to the risen Lord.