Be in Communion With the Lord

Preet Anupam Beck csc –

Readings: Rev 3:1-6, 14-22; Lk 19: 1-10

The readings of today invite me to be zealous, enthusiastic and to have repentance. In the first reading, the Lord encourages and urges the church in Sardis to wake up from their slumber and to strengthen their good works which are diminishing and assures his presence with those who are pure.

The Lord warns the church in Laodicea for those who are lukewarm and are not affected by the situations and the surroundings and warns those who think that they are self-sufficient in their life without God.

In the Gospel reading, we find a great example in the person of Zacchaeus who was zealous and wanted to see Jesus. He was quick to understand that with his physical stature he would not be able to see Jesus. He enthusiastically climbed to a tree to fulfill his desire.

Jesus appreciated his courage and faith. He rewarded Zacchaeus by entering his house and dining with him. Zacchaeus repented for his misconduct as a tax collector and was rewarded with the salvation here on earth.

I am strongly encouraged by the readings to strengthen my faith and enthusiasm. I am reminded through Zacchaeus to go out of my comfort zone to reach the goal of being in communion with the Lord. I am assured of Jesus’ presence in my heart when I am pure, joyful, and energetic. I am invited to take an extra step to welcome Jesus into my life who will find me enthusiastic and full of life.