Be Aware of Your Strengths and Weaknesses

By Manu Praveen, CSC –

Readings: Ex 24: 3-8; Mt 13:24-30

“Let them both grow till the harvest.”

God allows both good and bad to be together so that the good may influence all the other by its own goodness. In today’s gospel reading we have the parable about the kingdom of God, in which we find the wheat and weeds growing together. By this parable we learn that in our life we too find both goodness and badness.

And so, we need not to be worried about the badness that we have in us rather we need to look for the possibilities to change that bad into positive by our own goodness. It is same with our families and communities too. We can become the source of right living or goodness to other persons to become good. At the same time, we are also invited to open our hearts and minds to receive from others all that is good and righteous.

Thus, today’s liturgy helps us to become aware of ourselves – our strengths and weaknesses – in order to grow towards holiness.