Be a Witness for Christ

By Akhsi Wary, CSC –

Readings: 1Sam 8:4-7, 10-22a; Mk 2:1-12

Today let me reflect on the virtue of generosity on account of today’s gospel reading. ‘Be generous like the heavenly Father’. How is the heavenly Father generous?

Father’s generosity is manifested in his only beloved son Christ, and the face of Jesus is manifested in me and in you. Today we hear that Jesus heals a paralyzed man. We have no doubt about the faith and helping nature of those people who took trouble to bring him to Jesus.

But here the act of Jesus is something inspiring and moving. Jesus plays the role of the heavenly Father giving freely and generously his service to all who are in need. His love and generosity is seen in his whole life.

As Christians, our duty must be just like Jesus’: if our Master and Lord had done these things freely and willingly to all then why not we his followers? As the son manifested his face in me and in you and in everything, it is our duty to show to others the manifestation of Jesus in us.