Year-End Review: Unloading of Surplus Baggage

By Sr. Molly Fernandes sfn –

The month of December has almost come to an end. Another year is about to bid farewell. The year 2021 has given us different type of experience. For some the experiences have been a boon while others it was a year of gloom and tears!

However, the month of December has been the month of Delivery! Delivery because God delivered His promise through Mary “a Son is born to us and He will be called Immanuel”. It is the month where many gifts are delivered through courier, speed posts, Amazon, inspite of Covid and if you believe in/with faith many unexpected deliveries unveiled and we are in awe and wonder. Some unanticipated deliveries have added joy, peace and happiness to our unpredicted life. And as we await or count the last two days of the year, it is time to empty all our unwanted baggage. Yes, unwanted baggage of material as well as the unseen baggage by which our foreheads are filled with wrinkles and heads heavy with tension, anxiety, worry, etc. Baggage of the past hurts and do’s and don’ts; if only I had to do that; if only I had not done that…and so too buts! Prophet Isaiah says in 43: 18, “forget the former things, do not dwell on the past”. Let’s unload the baggage and let go that surplus and make space in the room, the room of your heart, as Prophet Isaiah encourages 54: 2, ‘expand the space of your tent….’. It’s only in emptying that we make space and expand or stretch the fringes.

This is yet another gift of delivery one can deliver to whom and from whom we had withheld the gift of peace, joy and happiness. No wonder, the last month continues to be month of delivery in different ways. It’s not just physical delivery of babies but beyond words… God fulfilled His promise – The joy was announced by the angel to Mary who passed it on to Elizabeth and the babe within her womb. That was not the end of the story of the promise given by God of the birth of Jesus! The message of Jesus’ birth was delivered through the angels to the shepherds in the pitch dark night, who witnessed it and then proclaimed it to the others. The Star, delivered the message to the Magi’s, – the Kings, who in return passed it on and it still continues… you and I are called to deliver this message of peace, love and joy to those with whom we live, work and encounter.

Our God has made and given us many promises in the Bible. Let’s open the Bible and claim those promises and they will be delivered to you personally by the Lord who comes to you in and through persons; through events and circumstances. Even at the least unexpected hour. He is a faithful God 24/7 and not like governments who make empty promises at the time of elections. And later withdraw saying these are only assembly elections gimmick to win votes.

The Lord says, heaven and earth will pass away but My Words will not pass away. Very often we hear “don’t think I have forgotten what you said”. Let’s not keep account of words that wound us; words that hurt, words through which relationships are torn apart. And also words that bring eternal death if not paid heed!!!  Rather, let us be attentive to listen to those words that have power to heal, that have power to bind and words that have power to empower, to restore and to revive. Yes words, those that deliver Joy, Peace and Happiness.