Worship the One True God

Pritam Dangwar csc.

Readings: 1Kgs 11: 4-13; Mk 7: 24-30

The first reading shows us the consequences of Solomon’s disobedience to God’s commandment, which was to worship only one true God.

But in the reading, we see that Solomon was influenced by his wives to worship other gods, and as a result, his kingdom was divided. This teaches me that I must remain faithful to the one true God. It also reminds me and every Christian that we can be saved from God’s wrath only by worshipping him alone. Otherwise, we lose our peace of mind and we face division in our family and among our friends.

The gospel reading contrasts with the first reading, where a Syrophoenician woman comes to Jesus to heal her daughter who was tormented by a demon. We see her persistent effort to approach Jesus without hesitation. At first, she failed to persuade Jesus and he rejected her, but because of her unwavering faith and trust in him, her daughter was healed. She sets an example for all of us that we need to persevere and be persistent in asking for good things from God. In a special way, we ask the Holy Spirit to guard our hearts and help us to worship the one true God.