Work With Jesus on Your Plans

By Thamajoy Reang csc

Readings: Deut 4:1, 5 – 9; Mt 5: 17 – 19

Today, the gospel reading inspires me to be a prophet and be prayerful during times of trials and tribulations that would come in my journey of life, for Christ himself assures me that “until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.”

There were times I have asked myself, why this and why that. There are many things that I want to know but seem to be escaping my knowledge. There are things that I really want to experience in my life but will never happen.

And there are answers that I seek for the questions and doubts in my mind; but the holy words that would satisfy and comfort my faith seem like they will never arrive. There are things with which I want to lead people in the holy path of God but my voice for the people seems to be just like a windy inspiration that will blow once and never come back again. But then, today Jesus assures me through the gospel reading that all laws or promises made to me and others will be fulfilled at the right time of the day.

Jesus is the fulfilment of time for the kingdom of God. And he promises that nothing will be lost from the holy swear he makes for me to lead to the way of salvation. Therefore, today I reassure myself that Jesus is the fulfiller of my time and I need not worry about what may come my way. Dear Jesus, help me in cooperating with your plans in my life.