Word of God: Source and Treasure for Our Soul

By John Desing csc –

Readings: Jas 1: 1-11; Mk 8: 11-13

In the first reading, St. James clearly says that if you ask anything to God in faith, it will be granted. But in our practical life, it does not happen that way. We ask God for various needs, but we do not see the answer that we asked for. The Pharisees asked for a sign, but it was denied because what they asked for was not the right one.

They ask for something that was already given to them. How foolish can we be sometimes? We plead to God again and again for the things that have already been granted to us.
In fact, children know beforehand whether what they are asking their parents for will be given or not, because they know what to ask and what not to, whether good or bad.

Likewise, if I understand who Jesus is for me and my petition is guided by good motive, then the result will be good. The readings of today want us to believe that Jesus is still active and present with us miraculously in different forms and ways, as he said in Jn 14: 16 “And I will ask the Father to send the Paraclete to be with you always.” We are called to recognize the presence of Christ in our ordinary and daily happenings, especially to see his symbolic presence in the poor and nature.

As St. Chrysostom says, if you don’t see Jesus in the poor, you will not find him in the Chalice. Lord Jesus continues to work wonders in our lives only if we open the word of God, which is the source of wisdom and treasure for our soul.