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We Are Called to be Honest in Our Efforts

Jacob Perikala csc –

Readings: Ezek 18: 25-28; Phil 2: 1-11; Mt 21: 28-32

The readings of the day invite us to be honest with God and turn to him with the readiness to repent and experience redemption. The first reading reminds us that those who turn to iniquities will have troubled life, but if they repent, their life will be renewed.

The second reading reminds us that to experience redemption by turning to the Lord one needs humility to obey like Jesus, who is our model of obedience. We need to have a humble heart to admit that we have sinned and to get back to the right path. In the gospel Jesus presents the parable of two sons who were asked to work in a vineyard. One initially disobeyed but later obeyed, while the other said yes initially but didn’t keep his word.

The first son brought forth change in his thinking and actualized what was expected of him. It is not the words that really matter but the deeds. God respects our freedom of choice, and when we make wrong choices and move away from his ways, he provides us with enough opportunities to come back to him. We are called to be honest and truthful in our efforts to obey Jesus. Often, we offer Jesus our words of prayers and not deeds of change and transformation. When we live a life of sincerity we live in happiness.