Walk by Faith and Not by Sight

Kulandai Albert csc –

Readings: Gen 13: 2, 5-18; Mt 7:6, 12-14

There is a popular axiom which says that we walk by faith not by sight.

Sight may be more attractive and pleasing to us than faith. But faith gives life and fulfillment. In the first reading of the day Abraham focused on faith rather than sight. Being a person of faith, he knew that prosperity comes through total dependence on God. While dividing the property he made his nephew, Lot to choose the best portion of the land as his share. Lot chose the whole plain of the Jordan toward Zoar which was fertile and well-watered.

Abraham chose to live in the general region of Canaan. He acted as a peacemaker and placed his nephew’s interests above his own. His action was more about seeking peace than division. He resisted evil influences, stayed true to God and free from sin. Unlike Abraham, Lot wanted what looked best for him.

He walked by sight, not by faith. In the gospel, Jesus, giving the image of gates ask us to focus on what is essential and to make the right choice which fosters life. Jesus wants us to treat others the same way we want to be treated.

His golden rule is concerned with true love and right behaviors. To be prosperous in our life it is essential for us to treat one another with love and respect. True love always places others before our interest. Like Abraham, the father of faith, may we always walk by faith and not by sight.