Value the Work that You Do

By Thamajoy Reang csc –

Readings: Gen 1: 26-2:3; Mt 13: 54-58

We should always look upon ourselves as God’s servants, placed in God’s world, to do his work; and accordingly labor faithfully for him; not with a design to grow rich and great, but to glorify God, and do all the good we possibly can.
– David Brainerd

Today’s gospel speaks to me about the importance of the work we do, and the value of the daily labourers, who work day and night. It reminds me that, irrespective of the profession we are in, i.e., a scientist, teacher, actor, or a carpenter, etc., each one of us is a laborer of this world. We all desire to reach the joyous land of God towards the end of our life, where happiness is the only law that rules. Despite knowing all these, most of the time I do not give value to the work I do in my community. Rather, I try to escape from the work that I am entrusted with. Many times, I do not realize the beauty of working together with my fellow beings. In fact, I feel proud of myself if I do not work at all.

Not only in my community life, but also wherever I am, I want to be a beloved son to a rich father, who will let me enjoy life without working.

Today, the Gospel teaches me to value the work I do every day in my community. No matter which profession or position I may hold, I wish to lead a simple life like Joseph, the carpenter, whose feast we celebrate today and accept the situations of the world like Jesus, even though I may face rejection and opposition in my daily living.