Value Everything

By Jacob Perikala csc –

Readings: Acts 16: 22-34; Jn 16: 5-11

The readings of day remind me to endure the sufferings for greater glory. I have strong emotions, which can either put me down or raise me up. If the emotions that are predominant are negative, then life can be painful. We cannot easily forget our negative experiences. It depends on oneself- either one can use it for one’s growth, or use it for one’s fall. It is easy to say, but difficult to come out of those feelings and use it for betterment.

It may be difficult, but not impossible. In my life, there are negative comments, painful situations etc., which are God-given opportunities for my personal growth. Sometimes, I see them as hurdles and not as opportunities for growth. I need to overcome the hurdles and complete my mission that is entrusted to me by God.

In that process, God does not leave me alone. If I am willing to take a step, he is ready to take many steps. I realise the value of something at its absence. We are reminded of the value of food when we are hungry, value of people when we lose them, the value of relations when there is none and so on. God has never left me alone, rather he is with me through the Spirit. God is asking me to see the painful situations as opportunities for me to grow. He is inviting me to value everything, whether a person or a thing, as all of them are given by God.