Use God-Given Talents to Make Our Lives Happy

By Philip Raj A csc

Readings: 2 Mac 7: 1, 20-30; Lk 19: 11 – 28

The readings of today invite us to introspect how far we are faithful to ourselves. God has instilled His spirit in us which plays a prominent role in guiding our lives.

Before acting out on our innerselves, we should be conscious of our actions, whether it is right or wrong. At times, we fail to listen to our inner voices; i.e., how we
end up committing sins and go away from Lord.

Before we think of being faithful to others, firstly we need to be faithful to our own selves. We have certain values and virtues that we are known for; we need to be firm in them.

In the first reading, we read how strong the faith of the woman and her children were to the extent that they were ready to give up their lives for the sake of keeping up the commandments of the Lord.

Usually, when there is a threat to our own lives, we give up our faith or values. We are called to stand by our faith and values at all circumstances of our lives. The gospel entrusts responsibilities to those who show their loyalty in doing little things. God has blessed us with his gifts and talents to make our lives happy and contribute to the good of others. Having talents is not enough, only making use of them makes us excel in things rather than losing.