Use Free Will for Good Cause

By Amalraj A csc –

Readings: Gen 2: 5-9, 15-17; Mk 7: 14-23

When a child plays around, we say the child is innocent. Innocence is attributed to children generally. A child is not so much bothered for oneself or there is no attitude of accumulating things but happy to share anything with others. When the child grows into adulthood, how does the innocence disappear? As long as the child depends on the providence of parents, he/she is innocent and generous.

The first parents were like innocent children as long as they depended on God for everything but when they believed in the words of the serpent and wished to become like God, they lost their innocence. Even up to this day we look up to Abraham for his faith in God leaving everything and going to a land completely unknown to him. It is quite common in our life, that we face similar incidents when we have to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to temptations and times when we have to give up our comfort zones and go to a place where we do not know anything just believing in the call that we receive.

When God created us, he gave us the free will to choose what we want. Now to make use of the free will to become good and remain in our life as an innocent child or use the same free will for our comfortable lives with all unhealthy intentions, depends on us. Free will is the same but the outcome depends on what we choose, and we have to bear the consequence of our choice be it good or bad. Let us choose to use free will for the good cause like Abraham and become like him in the sight of God.