Twin Celebrations: Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary and Independence Day

Eldho Augustine csc –

Readings: Jud 13:18-20; 14:9b; Gal 5:13-17; Lk 1:46-56

For us Indians the holy day marks twin celebrations. The Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary into heaven which reminds us of complete freedom and Independence Day celebration which reminds us of political freedom.

The second reading of the day speaks about Christian freedom. It is being free not to sin. Christian liberty is being free to overcome the passions and urges us the body that t continue to wage war against better judgement. A free person is conscious of the indwelling Spirit, and he can love his neighbor as himself. We are called to love and through this love, we are called to serve.

Our country got freedom in 1947. How do we experience freedom in our present society? At present, within our country freedom is questioned. Attack on press freedom, human rights abuses, less freedom of religion. demands of bribes, not allow the citizens to experience real freedom. The country needs to enjoy freedom from violence, corruption selfishness, immorality, etc.

To grow more in freedom, we need to be led by the spirit.

In the Gospel, we see Mother Mary, who was led by the spirit in her life and fulfilled God’s plan for humanity. She was free from all the evil and focused on caring for the family and society. Let us allow ourselves to be led by the spirit and use our freedom to love and serve one another. We shall also pray for the state of Manipur and our brothers and sisters may enjoy freedom and respect in their life.