Turn Your Gaze to the Lord

Eldho Augustine csc –

Readings: Acts 13: 26-33; Jn 14: 1-6

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me” (Jn 14:1) is the assurance of the Risen Lord to all, especially to all the followers of Christ whose lives are threatened and tortured on account of their faith. Through the gospel the Lord reminds us that His resurrection is to bring peace to the world, Church, nations, societies, communities, families and in our hearts.

Do I experience the inner joy and peace that the Lord has brought to me through His victory over the death? In the midst of distress, sorrows and perplexity of life where do I turn my gaze? Is it to God who reside in my heart? Or do I draw conclusion seeking for peace in the external or temporary things or in my friends and neighbours rather than God?

Let us then turn our gaze to the Lord who is the Way to the Father, the Truth to let us experience freedom of life from all obstacles and bondages of life, and the Life to renew, revive and re-energize our spirit to embrace Him as our eternal and ever faithful friend and master of life. We pray for the grace of deeper faith in God, that we may be able to withstand against all odds of life, thus live the path of life to the Father as Jesus shows us.