Trust in His Providence

By Shanborlang Mawrie csc –

Readings: Hos 11:1-4, 8c-9; Mt 10:7-15

“Freely have you received, freely give.” This is the call for the disciple. Jesus invites his disciples to freely give the goods that they have received and to acknowledge God with a heart full of gratitude. We are living in the modern world where the demands from us as followers of Christ are more.

As Christians, what are we going to give to the other in need? We are not called only to preach and proclaim the Gospel to the people, but to preach and proclaim the risen Christ by our actions and lifestyle.

Jesus sends his disciples with the power to drive out the demons, cure the sick, and raise the dead, just as he did. We may not be able to do as Jesus did and raise the people from the dead or drive out demons. We are called to follow and witness Christ in different ways: by standing against injustice, child abuse, drugs and at the same time, giving a helping hand to those in need, giving hope to those in despair, etc. These are the simple works that Jesus wants from us. Jesus  says to  his  disciples  take  nothing  for  the  journey other than a spare  tunic  or  footwear.

Is this message of Jesus reasonable for us to practice?  How can we put this into action in our daily life?  It is challenging for us especially because many times we are searching for self-comfort, security, power, and position.

God has blessed us abundantly with multiple talents to share with people around us. Therefore, each of us in our own special way can glorify God by giving and sharing our gifts in any life situation. This is a call within a call to leave everything for Christ’s sake and trust completely in the providence and love of God.