Time for Spiritual Cleansing

By P.A. Devadoss, CSC –

Readings: 2 Sam 15: 13-14,30; 16: 5-13; Mk 5: 1-20

Decapolis seems to be a notorious place for pigs and evil spirits. It seems to be the breeding ground not only of pigs but evil spirits too. The evil spirits were in “Legions” (3000-6000) and pigs were in “massive herds” (2000).

Mark speaks of the unclean spirits from the Demoniac entering into this herd of pigs which fell off the cliff into the lake and drowned. The herdsmen were startled and the owners were utterly traumatized. The village could not face this situation. The people were shocked and begged him to leave their neighborhood. In doing this, they missed how much Jesus could do for them. If Jesus had stayed there, he could have cleansed that country and purified it. What an opportunity is lost!

The Demoniac experiences unprecedented changes in his life. He, who lived among the tombs with a “Legion” of evil spirits in him, was suddenly healed by Jesus. This healing caused a mammoth economic loss of 2000 pigs. This young man experienced peace, joy and normalcy and therefore begged Jesus if he could stay with him. But Jesus refused him by saying “Go home to your people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you.” He was given the responsibility to lead people from fear to amazement and from economic loss to spiritual cleansing of that territory.