The Strength Flows from the Lord

Francis Gayang csc –

Readings: Titus 2:1-8,11-14; Lk 17:7-10

Jesus came with a mission from the Father saying, “For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me”(Jn 6:38). Father’s mission remained a mantra in his life’s work. All of us here, in the boat of Jesus, are placed with a specific role in that mission to serve God and our fellow human beings. As a follower of Christ, and as a Christian by faith, I am called to imitate Christ throughout my life and that would mean always being at the service without giving a rational explanation to my prejudiced mind.

Christ in all that he can, he shows by action, all that he did were not just samples but true values that he ‘will’ all of us his men and women follow by conviction. Just like mother nature never works and bears fruits for itself, we too must work in the part of God’s will never to seek recognition but enjoy bearing fruits that quench the thirst of others.

Where shall we get all that energy and power? Isaiah (40:29-31) would say that power and strength will flow from the Lord, the perfect model who come to serve and not to be served, who gave himself wholeheartedly as a ransom for many (Mk 10:45). So, we the disciples are commissioned to do likewise (John 13:14-17 ) and give glory to God alone. May in our search for righteousness non-sordid desires betray our steps and our heart corrupt nature. May the desire to serve God and our fellow human beings be the best offer we can ever offer to the