The Saving Power of God

By Martin MM, CSC –

Readings: 1 Jn 3:7-10; Jn 1:35-42

As I was reflecting upon today’s reading, I was struck by the question asked by Jesus in the Gospel: What are you looking for? This was the question asked to disciples of John the Baptist who wished to follow Christ.

The first reply by the disciples to this question was external, not really naming what they expected from Jesus. “Rabbi, where are you staying?” is what they want to know. Well, it’s only a start. They want to begin the conversation with him in some way, to follow up on their first encounter with him.

Then comes Jesus’ invitation, which calls them into a meeting that will last not just an hour but a whole lifetime: “Come, and you will see.” This invitation changed not only their name but life as well. What happened once to them, in the encounter of disciples with Jesus, continues to happen today to you and me.

The above understanding invites me to take a break from my daily schedule and reflect upon the question asked by Jesus in the Gospel. After doing all my day’s ministry successfully, Jesus invites me to express my deepest hope and aspirations in a deep question by asking myself: “What am I looking for?” and it is true there is no religious vocation without this inner quest. Answer to this question cannot be defined in words but should be an experience with Jesus. It is about moving with Jesus, following his foot prints. This is about reaching the unreached to spread the good news through my words and deeds.

Just like the early Christians I am invited to bring one another to Christ. In Simon’s case it was his brother Andrew who experienced Jesus and excitedly tells him “We have found the Messiah!” This is the invitation given to us as well: to look for Jesus as the children of God and spread that love and experience to all whom God has entrusted to us, so that like you and me, all the ends of the earth can experience the saving power of God.