The Road to Emmaus

By Vamshi Eedara csc –

Readings: Acts 3: 1-10; Lk 24: 13-35

Today’s readings invite us to pay attention to Jesus and listen to him so that we may not fail to recognize Jesus as the risen Lord. In the first reading, we see the first miracle performed by Peter and John after receiving the Holy Spirit.

Peter and John kept their faith in the risen Lord because of which they could perform the miracle. We could see Jesus’ presence in the ministry of Peter and John. When we keep up our faith in Christ, we can also experience him in our ministries.

In the gospel reading, we see that the two disciples of Jesus failed to recognize the risen Lord on the way to Emmaus. The disciples paid attention to the circumstances than to Jesus who was walking with them.

At times in our lives too, we have been like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, feeling lost, lonely, sad, confused, and perhaps angered by our personal calvary experiences. It is not a literal crucifixion or death but a time of great pain, confusion, anger, or sadness.

During this time, if we hold onto our faith in God, Jesus eventually will appear to us again, most likely in unexpected ways, places, or people. Jesus often takes initiative to remind us that he is always with us to guide us in all circumstances of our lives. We recognize the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.

Christ is not just present but transforms, renews, and recreates us, just as he restored hope and joy once again in the disciples on the road to Emmaus. When we pay attention and listen to the word of God and attend Holy Eucharist daily with reverence, then we will be able to listen to his voice, and experience the presence of the risen Lord in our daily life.