The Grace of God is Sufficient for Us

Desing John csc –

Readings: 1 Jn 2: 18-21; Jn 1: 1-18

Usually, people prefer light over darkness. Therefore, we see people moving from rural areas to the cities to get a better education, a good job and a comfortable lifestyle. On the contrary, the gospel reading of today tells us that people prefer darkness to light. Jesus came to his own, but his own did not receive him. People did not receive him because in receiving him they would have to abandon their old sinful ways.

Christmas is a season of light and hope. Because the word that became flesh is a gift from God to humanity. A gift that dispels the darkness of sinful tendencies. The celebration of the incarnation will give meaning to our lives if we are able to accept the message of the new-born Jesus to live our lives in accordance with the gospel values.

As we are going to step into the new year, we can resolve to choose light and renounce darkness. As children of light, we have a greater responsibility to give life and light to those who live in darkness. In order to make the light of Christ shine bright in our lives, we need to be connected to the source of light through prayer and meditation. For from the fullness of light of Christ, we have all received grace upon grace. In other words, the grace of God is always sufficient for us to sustain us spiritually throughout the coming year.