The Angels: Princes of Paradise

By Jacqueline Kelly –

God has created powerful beings who are wholly spirit, the angels. God created the angels in His love, to look upon Him and to live eternally with Him. The angels could not do that by their own power, hence God gave them a share in His own divine life.

But, before the angels were allowed to see God they had first to be tested. Some of the angels failed the test and revolted against God. As punishment they were thrown down into hell. They are called evil spirits. Their leader is the devil [Satan, which means in Hebrew the Enemy].The evil spirits hate God and us, and seek to do us harm in body and soul.

The angels who remained true to God see God now, adore Him and praise Him in eternal happiness. They love God and serve Him, fighting for His kingdom. They make known to us God’s will, protect us in body and soul, encourage us to do good and pray for us.

Angels support us when we seek their help [Hebrews 1:14], protect us from physical harm and give us the strength to overcome difficulties. They have unlimited power and great wisdom.[Psalm 103:20]. They interpret our life situations. We pray especially for the intercession of the angels whose names were given to us in baptism.

It is forbidden to give divine honour or worship the angels, for this belongs to God alone. [Revelations 19:10; 22:9]

They are servants in the House of God. They only obey what the Lord says. We find it difficult to believe in angels except through the God-given gift of faith. Angels are beyond the scope of any scientific investigation. The mystery of angels is disclosed only through God’s plan. Angels, like saints are honoured not adored.

According to Scripture, we will see angels appearing in human form, usually as young men or companions. We also read about angels who are heavenly beings wrapped in celestial splendour or white garments. Made in the image and likeness of God, angels are the most marvellous of God’s creatures because they closely resemble the nature of God.

Christ says: “See that you despise not one of these little ones; for I say to you, their angels in heaven, are always in the presence of my Father who is in heaven.” [Matthew 18:10]

Thomas Aquinas , a Dominican Friar [A.D. 1225-1274] has been called the “angelic doctor” because his theories about angels are still recognized in Christian angelology.

Angels neither age nor die [Luke 20:36]. No angel is older than another. They do not multiply. They were created holy, without sin, and before Adam and Eve. They are spirit beings, unseen , unless God gives the ability to see them or unless they manifest themselves.

Angels are higher in intelligence, power and movement, yet angels serve men as “Ministering Spirits”. [Hebrews 1:14]

How can we show that the angels know what passes on earth?

We can show that the angels know what passes on earth from the Words of Christ: “There shall be joy before the angels of God upon one sinner doing penance”.


Their duties as angels-

First group:
Seraphim created to adore God
Cherubim created to adore God
Thrones created to watch over lawful leaders

Second group:
Dominations help us to overcome our sinful behaviours, during Lent they help us to practice penance
Virtues created to assist those who strive for a particular virtue
Powers Guardian angels of priests

Third group:
Principalities created to watch over parishes
Archangels assist in teaching the faith
Angels God gave us our guardian angels, and they are said to be our personality perfected.

Theologians further subdivided the choir of angels into three triads with specific concerns:

The first triad:
Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones concern themselves with contemplating the glory of God. It is the six-winged Seraphim who sings the Sanctus, “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Hosts”. [Isaiah 6:3]

The second triad:
Dominations, Virtues and Powers – known as the “angels of creation” because they concern themselves with the ordering of the universe and a plurality of causes.

The third triad:
Principalities , Archangels and Angels concern themselves with the minute ordering of the universe and specific causes, including the welfare of people. Each human being, each church, and each country has a Guardian Angel.

The Hebrew word for angel is mal `ach, and the Greek word is angelos. Both mean “messenger”. The other words used for angels are Seraphim [Isaiah 6:2], Cherubim [Ezekiel 10:1-3] and Ministering Spirits [Hebrew 1:13]

Holy Ones: The unfallen angels are also spoken of as “holy ones” [Psalm 89: 5,7].

Host: It is derived from the Hebrew word tsaba which means armies, hosts [refers to the idea of warfare].

Sons of God: Unfallen angels are also called “sons of God” as they were brought into existence by the creation of God [Job 1:6; 38:7] and they possess a personality like God.

A highly organized hierarchy of angels is referred to with the word “thrones” [qronoi], “powers” [Kuriothtes], “rulers” [arcai] and “authorities” [exousiai]. In the Scriptures there is mention of “assembly” and “council of angels” [Psalm 89:5,7].

Lucifer [Isaiah 14:12] means “shining one” or “star of the morning”. He was originally placed in a position of authority over the Cherubim surrounding the Throne of God. Evil angels are mentioned in [Ephesians 6:12]

There are 7 Archangels [Tobias 12:15]. We know the names of three of them from Scripture.

Michael whose name means “Who is like God”. [Daniel, Epistle of St. Jude, Apocalypse of St. John] We revere Archangel Michael as the leader of the angels. [Jude 9] He is the angel warrior battling against Satan and the evil spirits, and he protects the faithful at the time of death. He is also called “Chief Prince” [Daniel 10:13] He is the Patron of mariners, soldiers and police.

Gabriel whose name means “Strength of God” or “Man of God” [Daniel 9:21 ; Luke 1:26]. Gabriel seems to be God’s special messenger of His Kingdom. He reveals and interprets God’s purpose.

Angel Gabriel and Saint Elizabeth, inspired by the Holy Spirit, made the first part of the Hail Mary. The Church of God, guided by the Holy Spirit, made the second part of the Hail Mary. He is the Patron of messengers, postal workers and media people.

Raphael means “Healing of God”. It was Archangel Raphael, who not only guided Tobias in finding his wife, Sarah, he also counselled them to pray together to ask God’s blessings on their marriage. He cured Tobit of his blindness. He was also the angel who healed the earth when it was defiled by the sins of the fallen angel [Enoch 10:17]. He is the Patron of doctors, nurses, travellers and bearer of holy joy and messenger of peace.

The Apocryphal Book of Enoch lists the other four angels as: Uriel, Raguel, Sariel and Jeramiel. All their names end in “el” which means “shining light” in Hebrew.

Uriel has various meanings: “Light of God” ,“Fire of God” “Prince of the Sun” and the “Archangel of Salvation”. He is the Patron Angel of Jerusalem.

Raguel means “Friend of God”. He resolves disputes and creates harmony and order in relationships. He is an angel mainly of Judaic traditions.

Sariel means “God’s command” and is an angel mainly of Judaic traditions. He provides protection against the evil forces.

Jeremiel means “God’s Mercy”. He is the angel of hope and forgiveness, helping us to take a closer look at our lives and develop our skills. He is often called Ramiel in the Book of Enoch. He is an angel of visions and dreams and greets us at death’s door, escorting us to heaven.

The Catholic Church celebrates the presence of angels in our lives and also at our death.

The angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hands of God.”- Quoted in The Angel’s Little Instruction Book by Eileen Elias Freeman, 1994.