Thankful to Him Each and Every Day

By Eldho Augustine, CSC –

Readings: Bar 4:5-12, 27-29; Lk 10:17-24

The first reading tells about how I must attain joy from God. Because of my sinful life I have gone astray from God. But God promises me his joy with the condition that I must turn to him more sincerely, because he who loves me would give me the salvation and everlasting joy.

In the gospel reading I see people who are joyful: Jesus and disciples who have returned from their ministry. Jesus is joyful because the Father has revealed the secret of heaven to the simple people who are uneducated, the disciples. The disciples are happy that they were successful in their mission which Jesus entrusted them. Jesus asks the disciples to rejoice, not because they were successful but rather because their names are written in heaven.

The readings of the day remind me that I have to be joyful because he called me to be his follower and to be his messenger on this earth. I have an invitation to be more joyful that God has written my name in heaven and blessed me with wisdom and love among my friends. He has given each one different ways of life. I have to be grateful about what I am today at this moment amidst my difficulties and weaknesses and be thankful to him each and every day.