Thank God for His Unique Sign

By Nameswar Baliar Singh csc –

Readings: Ex 14:5-18; Mt 12:38-42

The readings of the day invite me to recognize and believe in the love of Jesus. As a human being, I look for external signs like the scribes and Pharisees who waited for a sign from Jesus. However, for Jesus Christ, the sign is he himself. My mind is always focused on the external appearance. It reflects when I make my personal choices and desires.

As a Christian and God’s chosen one, I should not be deaf to the call of Jesus. Life seems to be complicated and hard, but I must have strong faith to believe what is ahead of me. I must believe in one sign, that is Jesus, who proved right by rising from the dead. He is the supreme sign for all. I need to ask myself, how deep is my faith?

Do I have hope? Do I trust in Jesus Christ? Do I look forward to seeing a sign from Jesus? Can I say, your will be done? If I fail in these, then I must start to learn to build faith, hope and trust in Jesus Christ. To believe in Jesus, I need to have a spiritual transformation in my life, so that I become alive in Jesus. When I change myself, my heart and mind, I will become a sign for others. Today I need to thank God for the unique sign that he has given me.