‘Take Up Your Daily Cross and Follow Me’

Francis Gayang csc –

Readings: 1Kgs 17:7-16; Mt 5:13-16

A Christian is a bearer of Christ. I am the living ‘Christ’ to the world. My life is to taste like Christ. If I cannot have the values of Christ in me, I am equal to that of a tasteless salt that has no more value in it.

A genuine light shines no matter how unpredictable the weather is. When I have the light of Christ in me, I do not have to pretend I have it. It just cannot be hidden because it is shining like the sun even amidst bad weather.

This reminds me of the desert fathers centuries ago who distanced and isolated themselves from worldly things in a distant land away from the human inhabitants. However, their light never went without notice. People from afar recognized the light in them. People were ready to travel long distances into desolated places just to listen to them, not because they were superhuman but because of the spark of Christ in them.

If as a Christian, particularly as a religious, I am running after people to listen to me, I need to probably introspect whether Christ’s spark is in me. A genuine light attracts others. As a Christian, I am responsible to be the ‘light’ and not an ‘ash’; a sort of genuine light that sparks from God’s experience.

When I am possessed by Christ, I become a lighthouse that gives direction to others. Light allows me and others in my care to walk safely.

Jesus never advertises himself to others to lead a comfortable life. Instead, he challenges by saying, “if you want to follow me, take up your daily cross and follow me” (Lk 9:23, Mt 16;24). It is not a fun ride but a journey of mission, which demands faith to go through the challenges.