Surrendering Into the Hands of the Creator

By Joseph Inbaraj, CSC –

Readings: Hos 6: 1- 6; Lk 18: 9 – 14

The readings of the day invite us to reflect upon our lives by asking a question ” Am I truthful to God?” Are we like the Pharisee who thanked the Lord for not being like the Taxcollector? Or are we like the tax collector, who was truthful to himself and surrendered himself to God?

First of all, I would say that we need to realize the purpose of our life. This is known by our constant conversation with God. Prayer is actually accepting oneself and completely surrendering oneself into the hands of the creator.

It is not enough that we go for prayers it should reflect in our lives what we say and what we do must go together. How are we going to reflect our spiritual life? That is by giving our life for the other. Love of my neighbour measure my love for God. “Am I sacrificing my life to be loved or to love”.

As St. Francis of Assisi would say “O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be loved, so as to love.” Our sacrifice needs to lead us to love but not to be loved. As Jesus sacrificed his life for love, let us also repent and turn to God by having strong faith in him and by sacrificing our lives to love.