Surrender to Seek the Needed Grace

By Amala William csc –

Readings: Is 35:1-10; Lk 5:17-26

In the first reading, we see a tremendous change in the external world as well as among the people, which indicates the arrival of the Messiah.

In this passage, we find the expressions of beauty, hope, joy, and encouragement on account of the Lord’s coming. On his visit, extraordinary things seemed to be happening to the people there. All opposites and incomplete things become equal and complete to welcome the Lord.

In the gospel, we see the persistence and creative faith of the friends of the paralyzed man who were not discouraged by the crowd, instead found ways to bring him to Jesus, the healer. Jesus saw their firm faith and forgave his sins, which also brought physical healing in him. Both the readings teach us an important element, i.e.., to have a stronger determination than a mere wish for changes to happen.

Many of us like to keep our physical body fit and healthy, for which we follow adequate exercise and diet. In order to welcome the Lord into us, we need to prepare by re-examining our external and internal purity. When we have the right disposition to meet the Lord or like in the gospel, allow others to lead oneself to the Lord, we would bring healing in our lives. This can pave the path of holiness to heal oneself and others in cooperating with the plan of God. May we recognize our incapacity and weakness, and surrender ourselves to seek the needed grace from the Lord in whom everything is possible.